Apple called it Bounce. I prefer to refer to it as “jerk be gone.” Whatever nom de guerre you choose, it is gone in the latest version of Mail and one of OS X Lion’s most lamented missing features.
Way back in March and April, I bemoaned the fact that Bounce had been cut from OS X Lion’s bundled Mail 5. Well, I’m not moaning anymore, because I’ve got it back and so can you.
Here’s how to do it
1. Open Automator (Applications folder)
2. Select “Service” and click “Choose”
3. From “Service receives,” select “no input” in “Mail”
4. Drag “Get Selected Mail Messages” into the workflow
5. Drag “Run AppleScript” into the workflow
6. Then copy and paste the following script into “Run AppleScript”
on run {input, parameters}
tell application “Mail”
repeat with eachMessage in input
bounce eachMessage
end repeat
end tell
end run
7. Click the hammer in the Apple Script window if text goes blue in some parts of the code and black in others it worked
— If you get an error, replacing any smart quotes with straight quotes
— SAVE your new Automator Service as “Bounce”
8. In Mail, pick a message to Bounce and then under the “Mail” menu, look for Service > Bounce and click it — that email (person) is gone, never to come back
That was pretty easy and brings back a much missed feature to Mail 5.
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