One of the things that makes following and covering Apple just so darned much fun is trying to figure out what they’re up to. Sometimes blatantly obvious, sometimes not so much. Here’s a case in point — Did OS X VP Craig Federighi let it slip that the Mountain Lion launch would fall on Tuesday, July 17?
The evidence, scant as these things go, is that during Federighi’s WWDC Power Nap introduction a slide showed (image above) the Calendar app, partially obscured, displaying July 17 as the date.
This interesting tidbit was noticed by YouTuber Brett Wiley — Hmm,The calander app says July 17.. Coincidence? : )
Hmm, indeed.
Whatever the case, the smart money is on July 25 for the Mountain Lion launch. Here’s a clip of Federighi giving the purported Mountain Lion nipple slip and we’ve also included a long and growing list of the Fairer Platform’s OS X Mountain Lion reporting.