ClamXav 2.2 is Lion compatible
When Apple’s next-generation desktop operating system ships in July, this antivirus app will be ready. However, the open source gods giveth and taketh away as this will be the last ClamXav update that will be provided to Mac OS 10.4.x Tiger users.
Change is inevitable. Whereas ClamXav 2.2 (version history) brings Mac OS X 10.7 Lion compatibility (yeah!), it also marks the end of updates for Mac OS X 10.4.x Tiger. Yes, PPC Mac owners with ClamXav 2.2 can still download virus definition updates and thereby protect themselves into the future, but the app will remain unchanged now and forever more.
• Scanning engine updated to ClamAV 0.97.1
• Last OS X 10.4 (Tiger) compatible app update
• ClamXav help menu linked to online documentation
• ClamXav Sentry: Multiple warnings about infected files can be hidden by holding command key whilst clicking • ”Ignore warning” button
• Support for 10.7 Lion
• Bug Fixes
Apple’s release of Mac OS X 10.6.7 Update and Security Update 2011-003 improved and extended malware protection, specifically against MacDefender, built into the operating system. However, ask any security expert and they’ll tell that’s all well and fine, but it’s sound practice to install and run antivirus software, as well — I’ve used ClamXav for years.
Download ClamXav 2.2 here (13MB).
[...] ClamXav 2.2: A free, open source antivirus app that’s fast and easy on the resources. [...]